How to survive Mercury retrograde


Words: Emma Vidgen // @emma_vee


How can you avoid the hi-jinx of Mercury retrograde working in this digital age? Between email, texts, social media, Slack – and the rest – we’ve never had more platforms… which means many more ways for things to go awry. “The beauty of knowing the cycles of nature is it allows us to prepare,” says Ingrid Anderson an astrologer from Sydney Astrology School. “If the forecast says strong winds, you take a jacket.” If you work in communications, consider this your personalised Mercury retrograde weather report. If you need a refresher, check out our story on how Mercury retrograde works, but otherwise read on for advice on how to navigate this season of miscommunications.



“If you have to get five people together for a meeting, what’s the bet two people cancel at the last minute and another gets delayed by trackwork,” says Ingrid. “Why not schedule it to be a Zoom meeting from the outset – and just cross your fingers that everyone is able to connect!”


DO expect RSVPS to go awol

“If you are picking a date for the launch of your book, Mercury retrograde is maybe not the time to do it, as people – and the media – wont be as receptive as usual and it runs the risk of falling through the cracks,” says Ingrid. The lesson here? If you can avoid planning any big events during this time and just lay low until Mercury is back to its usual self.



“It’s not a good time to start something new. A new business, from an astrologer’s perspective, has its own birth chart,” says Ingrid. “The businesses inception chart would have Mercury retrograde, which, given most business are trying to sell something or communicate a message, is not such a good thing.”



“During the Mercury retrograde period the cerebral Mercury energy, on a personal level, becomes more concentrated and internalised,” says Ingrid. “On a positive note, Mercury retrograde is a powerful time we can use consciously. As mental energy turns inwards at this time, this period is a brilliant time for study, writing, contemplation, and planning.”


DON’T leave things to the last minute

“This is also a time for going back over things – so all the actions with “re-” prefixes are smart things to do right now; revisit, revise, re-work, re-evaluate, reflect, re-consider, re-organise. This is how you use Mercury retrograde to your advantage,” says Ingrid. “Proofread your film script, write your assignment, redecorate your spare room, rekindle an old school friendship, reorganise your cupboards or filing cabinet.”


DO use the time to tackle BIG WRITING TASKS

“Mercury retrograde is a wonderful time for writing as the inward focus allows you to knuckle down and write at length, and it’s a brilliant time for concentrating,” says Ingrid. “It also tends to make us more right-brain oriented than usual, so this brings more creativity to our thinking, we’re more poetic and more able think outside the box. Great ideas can come at this time.” So time to start brainstorming that new business idea, and getting all your thoughts out on paper… just don’t jump the gun to launch it yet!



It may seem like strange advice to hold off on upgrading your phone during this time, but Ingrid says “If there is the option to hold off, personally, I would take it”. This is because Mercury also rules technology – which would normally be a good thing – but with it retrogading, that all gets turned on its head… and things with technology have a way of going awry. “Mercury retrograde only goes for three weeks, so if there is any way that you can stall or delay and buy that new laptop later... you might avoid buying a lemon,” says Ingrid.



“Never assume that someone has received your email. Make a point of following up on communications, or sign off with a question, like, ‘Can you hit me back to confirm…?’ so you can keep things on track,” says Ingrid. “A bit of extra effort ensures the ball doesn’t get dropped.” And this may just be the mantra for all Mercury retrogade seasons: be patient, be precise and don’t assume anything. Double checking things now will save you the Mercury retrogade hangover later down the track.


To discover HOW THIS MERCURY RETROGRADE WILL AFFECT YOU personally, CHECK OUT OUR MONTLY HOROSCOPES. or to learn more about studying astrology visit Sydney Astrology School