Horoscopes for June 2020
Words: Emma Vidgen // @emma_vee
Image Jovis Aloor // Unsplash
Truth and consequence are the major themes for this month with big Gemini energy (north node, retrograde Venus and the Sun) in the first few weeks asking us to broaden our perspective and seek out different voices and viewpoints on both a personal and societal level.
A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius squaring Mars on the first weekend in June has the potential for conflict, but with Neptune hanging around the chance of a clear outcome or resolution doesn’t look great.
Mercury entered its shadow on 2 June (AEST) so expect conversations and issues that popped up between 2 – 18 June to reappear for further consideration when Mercury goes retrograde (18 June – 14 July).
A solar eclipse in Cancer on 21 June closes an ongoing narrative that began in late 2018, before Venus stations to turn direct on 25 June. Truth and belief systems, particularly on a macro level, come into focus around the end of the month when Jupiter meets up with Pluto once again.
I recommend reading forecasts for your rising sign rather than your sun sign for improved accuracy – this article explains why. Wishing you an enlightening month
- Emma xx
+ Aries and Aries rising
A Mars/Venus square gives June a contemptuous kick-off, potentially causing clashes with your siblings or extended family. Things come to a head with the full moon in Sagittarius on 6 June exaggerating differences in opinion and general agitation all-round. You’re not one to be intimidated by confrontation, but you may be surprised when even the shy, retiring types in your life refuse to back down this weekend. After an explosive start things feel a little calmer mid-month. Pay special attention to your dreams between the 11 and 13 of June when Neptune aspects the Sun and the Moon, setting the mood for major intuitive hits. Mercury goes retrograde from 18 June – 14 July, inviting you to slow down and do some reflections around your home life. The shadow side to this transit is that it sets the scene for miscommunications and mix-ups at home so take care when if you’re planning any renovations or improvements. An ongoing storyline from over the past 18 months around your domestic or family situation draws to a close with the final solar eclipse in Cancer on 21 June. Venus ends her retrograde on 25 June, which should clarify some issues that may have arisen with family at the start of the month. On the 30th Jupiter and Pluto meet, potentially bringing to light a new revelation around your career.
+ Taurus and Taurus rising
There’s fireworks from the get-go this month with tensions running high on a micro and macro level in the first week. The volatility culminates with the full moon in Sagittarius on the 6 June, which could trigger clashes around finances, particularly with your partner (both romantic and business). Unfortunately constructive conflict is unlikely with Neptune making it difficult to resolve things clearly. When the Sun and Mars making aspects to Neptune you could get a burst of creativity at work around the middle of the month. The flipside of this transit it could just make you feel like you’ve run out of steam. Mercury turns retrograde on the 18th asking you to slow down and reconsider all things communication related. Don’t be surprised if issues from earlier in the month (between 2 and 18 June) raise their head for reassessment. The eclipse in Cancer on the 21 will wrap up a longer-term storyline that’s been playing out for you since early 2018 around your self-expression and world view. Be on the lookout for any flashes of insight – eclipses often bring revelations. Speaking of which, when Jupiter reconvenes with Pluto on 30 June, you may have another moment of clarity around beliefs, ideals, travel or education. Think back to around 4 April for clues as to the story unfolding.
+ Gemini and Gemini rising
The month is off to a salty start with tension running high courtesy of a square between Mars and Venus retrograde. Fractiousness, especially around issues to do with your work will be top of mind. Tensions reach a crescendo with the lunar eclipse on the 6 June squaring Mars, but the fallout from confrontation could be a little misplaced with Neptune in the mix. Be mindful, especially with your partner (if you’re in a relationship) that everyone is feeling on edge and ready for a fight. The middle of the month feels a bit slower, even a little bit swamp with the sun and mars aspecting Neptune. If you’re suddenly feeling a bit indecisive or flat know it will pass. Mercury turns retrograde on 18 June, calling for you to revisit issues that popped up earlier in the month (between 2 – 18). An annular eclipse on 21 June closes out an ongoing story that’s been happening around your relationship to money. Pay attention to any lightbulb moments, this is a time for major a-ha moments. Expect a bit more energy after 25 when Venus stations to go direct, ending her retrograde period. Finally the truth bombs keep coming towards the end of the month when Pluto meets Jupiter (the second of three times this year), asking you to see what’s really going on around shared assets, finances and your shadow self – even if the truth isn’t always easy to look at.
+ Cancer and Cancer rising
Mars and Venus bring an electricity to the overall mood at the start of the month although you won’t feel as affected as some other signs. The edginess will culminate around the lunar eclipse (on 6 June) in Sagittarius that could see even the most reticent of souls get fired up. Don’t be surprised if debates escalate quickly – the skies are primed for fiery exchanges. After the confrontational start to June, things will subside, maybe even feel a little melancholy when Neptune squares the Sun (11 June) and meets Mars (13 June). The focus shifts mid-month with the arrival of Mercury retrograde. This retrograde is a time to reflect on all the big leaps you’ve made in your relationship (or business partnership) since December 2018. This area has been a major focus, but the emphasis on this part of your life starts to ease with a final solar eclipse in Cancer on 21 June wrapping up the story. You could feel a bit more energised after 25 June when Venus stations to go retrograde after six week that may have left you feeling especially reclusive. When Jupiter meets Pluto at the end of the month (30 June) stay tuned for an insightful realisation around your relationship.
+ Leo and Leo rising
Friendships could feel a little strained at the beginning of the month, as a series of aspects set the scene for friction around your social life. The lunar eclipse on the 6 June could trigger tensions to boil over, but they’re unlikely to resolve in any constructive way as Mars and Neptune square the sun and moon. If your circumstances allow, hold off making any major decisions to do with shared assets (property, finances etc) until next month when Mars moves into Aries. Mercury goes retrograde from 18 June, signalling a time of reflection and solitude for your sign up until the 14 July. This is a great opportunity to go inward, unplug, and spend some time recalibrating after what has been an intense first half of 2020. Take baths, listen to music, cook, cry – whatever gets you in touch with your emotions. You’ve been on a journey to deepen your connection to this side of yourself since late 2018, the final instalment comes with the solar eclipse on 21 June. Expect the mood to ease with friends after 25 June when Venus stations to go direct, then the possibility of an a-ha moment around your health or daily routine to close out the month on 30 June.
+ Virgo and Virgo rising
The start of the month will feel especially tense, with Mars and Venus stirring up agitation around your career and intimate relationship. With Venus retrograde, the root cause is likely connected to an old wound – probably a new manifestation of some unresolved issue that needs your attention. Put it this way: when you lash out over who cleans the bathroom, it's rarely just about who cleans the bathroom. Things reach a climax on 6 June on the full moon – an eclipse in Sagittarius – which brings plenty of fire and a degree of confusion. Tread carefully and don’t expect any immediate resolution – Neptune makes clarity near impossible. The volatility will ease but you might still find you’re feeling a bit out of sorts with your partner as Neptune aspects the sun and Mars. The vibe is cranky but confused. Mercury retrograde kicks off 18 June, inviting you to reflect, regroup and recalibrate especially in the context of your social life. Cast your mind back to anything that cropped up between 2–18 June when Mercury was in its shadow period, for clues on what issues might need your attention. The solar eclipse in Cancer on 21 June marks the final chapter in a story that’s been playing out around friendships since the end of 2018. Eclipses often bring changes and breakthroughs so take care to notice what comes up. Venus stations to go direct on 25 June which should bring some much needed pep in your step and maybe renewed clarity around your career, before a meeting between Jupiter and Pluto could bring major breakthroughs around your creative interests or (if you have them) children.
+ Libra and Libra rising
On a personal level, there’s a degree of irritation at the start of the month. You might feel a distinct clash between your desire to dive deep into the existential (like your belief systems, ideals and spirituality) and the nagging grind of the day to day. The eclipse on 6 June brings plenty of fire with it thanks to a square with Mars but may not be as cleansing as you might hope. With Neptune in the mix, a clear resolution will seem difficult to grasp. With Neptune aspecting both the sun (11 June) and then Mars (13 June) you could feel a surge of creative inspiration mid-month. The flipside to these transits is that you might just feel a little bit lethargic or hazy. Fear not, the blahness is momentary. Questions or concerns worrying you about your career earlier in the month (2 –18 June) will be up for reassessment when Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer until 14 July. Remember retrogrades are a time to stop, reflect and slow down rather than making any rash decisions. A second eclipse on 21 June, this time in Cancer will close out a story that’s been evolving for you around you career since the end of 2018. Eclipses often bring new facts to light so stay open and pay attention to opportunities as they unfold. When Venus goes direct on 25 you might find a little more pep in your step and clarity around those existential worries from earlier in the month. Finally Jupiter and Pluto could deliver a big truth bomb on the 30th around your home or family situation that helps you see things in a whole new light.
+ Scorpio and Scorpio rising
There’s a fractious quality to the start of June that could cause tension especially around anything you share especially property, money and resources. Old emotional baggage could also rear its head causing issues with your creative processes or children (if you have them). When the eclipse on 6 June lights up the part of your chart connected to money and self-worth, there’s the potential for major fireworks; molehills could become mountains with the greatest of ease. Tread carefully and remember this fiery astrological weather could evoke an OTT response from even the most level-headed folks in your life. Mercury goes retrograde mid-month (18 June – 14 July) asking you to slow down and reassess your relationship to spirituality, learning, travel and your ideals. If you’re feeling disconnected to these parts of your life, now is the time to reconsider what makes your feel nourished on this level. What do you need to integrate these higher beliefs into your everyday life? Cast your mind back to the start of June when Mercury entered its shadow (2 – 18 June) for clues as to what parts of this area might need your attention. The annular eclipse on 21 June marks the final chapter of a story that’s been playing out around these very themes and could bring a major epiphany. Issues around shared resources should ease once Venus moves direct on 25 June, while a revelation possibly from extended family or a sibling could help you see things differently at the end of the month (30 June).
+ Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising
Feeling fired up? You’re not alone. The mood to start the month is a little bit feisty. The tension of the first week reaches a climax on with the eclipse which squares Mars (6 June) – ruffling your feathers more than most signs. Be warned things could blow out of proportion quickly, especially with your partner. Sadly the chances of a constructive resolution are slim (thanks to Neptune also getting involved). Mid-month is a little less eventful, although you may find yourself feeling a bit blah especially on the home front. Issues that cropped up around shared finances earlier in the month will likely dominate conversations throughout Mercury retrograde (18 June – 14 July), with that area of your life also taking centre stage around 21 June during the solar eclipse in Cancer. This is a particularly big lunation as it marks the final instalment of a story that’s been evolving around your shared finances and relationship to your shadow self since late 2018. Things should lighten up on the relationship front when Venus stations to turn direct on 25 June, while a big revelation should cast a new light on your financial situation at the end of the month (30 June).
+ Capricorn and Capricorn rising
Communications and work could be extra tetchy at the start of June with Venus retrograde squaring Mars (and Neptune) for the first week. Pay attention to conversations and recurring themes with your partner (romantic, creative or business) from 2 June until 18 as these will likely re-emerge during the upcoming Mercury retrograde. The eclipse on the weekend of 6 June could feel extra feisty but won’t offer much in the way of resolution as Neptune adds a haziness to negotiations. Mid-month things relax to a degree, with the potential for a hit of creative initiative – especially in the realm of writing and learning – coming your way around the 11 and 13 June. This Mercury retrograde (18 June – 14 July) sets the scene for a season of reassessment and reflection around your relationship. This area of your life will be further emphasised by the solar eclipse on 21 which could bring unexpected revelations wrapping up an ongoing storyline that’s been developing since late 2018. When Venus stations to go direct on 25 June you may feel a little less sluggish in your day-to-day routine and inspired to start a bit of a health kick. Finally the meeting between Jupiter and Pluto on 30 June may reveal some surprising truths inherently connected to your sense of self; pay attention to what comes up, it could be a major breakthrough.
+ Aquarius and Aquarius rising
Conflict and irritation connected to old, unresolved issues could dominate the first week of June. For you, the tension will feel most palpable around money and your creative outlets. Kids (if you have them) could also stir the pot and push your buttons. On the 6 June, the full moon in Sagittarius brings a kind of crescendo to the irritation, although Neptune will make coming to a constructive resolution extra challenging. The mood softens from the 7 June for a week or so, although you may feel like money is slipping through your fingers at a record pace, especially around the 11 and 13th. When Mercury turns retrograde on 18, you’re invited to slow down and take time to reassess your daily routines, health and work. The eclipse on the 21 June marks the final chapter in a story around your health, work and daily routine that’s been evolving since late 2018. The full effect of the eclipse may take a while to unfold so pay attention to what plays out over the coming weeks. Venus goes direct on 25 June easing creative blocks you might have been suffering from during the retrograde and inspiring you to in the mood for fun.
+ Pisces and Pisces rising
The tense mood dominating the start of the month will most likely manifest in crankiness at home. A square between Mars and Venus could cause friction with family, the root cause being some (Venus retrograde related) pre-existing scar tissue. Things will come to a head on the weekend with the full moon in Sagittarius (6 June), with circumstances related to your career complicating things. Thankfully things settle down in the middle of the month, although you may feel a bit out of sorts with Mars and Neptune meeting on the 13 June. This could make you feel creatively inspired, really low energy – or maybe a bit of both. Mercury retrograde kicks off from 18 June until 14 July, shifting the focus to your creative outlets and – if you’ve got them – kids. Remember Mercury retrogrades are a time to slow down and not make any sudden decisions, so be kind to yourself and try to just observe what comes up. The eclipse on 21 June marks a powerful finale to a story that’s been unfolding since late 2018 connecting to your place in community and social circles. Venus ends her retrograde on the 25 June, bringing a bit more energy to the vibe at home while Jupiter and Pluto could shed major light on something related to your friendships or community.