Are you using magnesium oil spray yet? Here's why you should.
Words: Sadaf Razi // @sadafr
Image: Magnesium oil spray / courtesy of Salt Lab
You’ve probably heard of magnesium once or twice in the wellness space. Or maybe you’ve seen it pop up on your feed or heard it in your GP’s office – but do you actually know what magnesium does? Or what the difference between a magnesium spray, a magnesium oil, or a tablet actually is? Let us enlighten you.
I was personally introduced to magnesium when I was struggling through a serious break-up. My stress levels were at an all-time high, I barely ate, and if I did, it sure wasn’t anything nutritious. Naturally, I had trouble sleeping too which is when my GP suggested magnesium tablets to relax my muscles and help me sleep.
As time went on and I started to heal, I still felt like I needed an occasional little dose and I began wonder if there was another way I could take it that didn’t have the commitment of a tablet . Something I could keep in my gym bag, or handbag even. Which is how I stumbled upon my new best friend - magnesium spray.
Firstly, what is it exactly?
Magnesium is a mineral found in your body that is, in a nutshell, essential for optimum health. It also supports cardiovascular and bone health and having low levels can contribute to things like anxiety and depression. While there are magnesium-rich foods we can consume (almonds and spinach to name a couple), sometimes we need a little extra boost, which is where supplements often come into play.
But how is this different to magnesium oil? And is one form better than the other? We spoke to Clementine Beale, founder of Salt Lab (who specialise in magnesium products), to find out.
Magnesium Oil Spray, $32.99, Salt Lab
How is magnesium spray different?
Clementine explains that magnesium ‘oil’ (the basis of a spray) is a form of magnesium chloride and water that is applied topically to the skin for fast absorption. She had personally been taking magnesium powder for years to deal with stress, but found it had an adverse effect on her gut health… which led her to making the switch to oil, and later, to launching Salt Lab. ”Consistent use of Magnesium oil has helped calm my nervous system to a point I no longer have adrenal issues and has enabled me to fall asleep (and stay asleep) for 10+ hours each night – which has had a ripple effect on the overall quality of life I am able to live.”
“Magnesium is necessary for over 300 reactions in the body - nearly every single cell requires magnesium to be able to ‘perform’ and do its job”
What are the health benefits of magnesium spray?
“Magnesium is necessary for over 300 reactions in the body - nearly every single cell requires magnesium to be able to ‘perform’ and do its job,” says Clementine. The health benefits are endless: everything from keeping your heart beating to stimulating receptors in the brain. Clementine also adds, that “Magnesium restricts the release of stress hormones like cortisol, and acts as a filter to prevent them from entering the brain,” so it’s literally like a chill pill for the system.
Magnesium spray vs Magnesium tablets: how do they stack up?
According to Clementine, one of the biggest problems with a pill is that so much of the good stuff is lost as your body tries to process it. “A lot of the magnesium in oral supplements is lost in the digestive system or eliminated by the body, not reaching the cells that need it. Some studies show up to 50 percent of it.” That, and the other delightful side effect of having laxative effects.
Applying magnesium topically, on the other hand, allows the body to absorb what it needs as it needs it. And magnesium oil spray has many uses “You can isolate where it is needed (ie: restless legs, spraying directly onto the area) meaning your whole digestive system doesn’t need to work hard for your legs to absorb the needed mineral,” says Clementine.
OK, So what are the magnesium spray uses? And how do i “take” it?
The best time to use a magnesium spray/oil, is around 30 minutes before bed. Clementine suggests four to six sprays on your stomach and feet, rubbed in and then covered up if you’re looking to use it as a sleep aid. Plus, because your skin only absorbs what it needs, you don’t need to worry about going OTT.And, while you can use it any time, a nighttime routine helps calm the nervous system – something we could all do with right now.
So, if you want a little stress relief, a few more (rested) sleep-filled nights or, you just need a little brain-booster, well you know who you need to make friends with now.